Posts of South Asia

Product Designs in India

Product Designs

In India, as in other countries, standards are issued to provide specifications for any goods, which are operated on a voluntary basis. However, based on enforceable laws and regulations such …

E-waste Management in India

Wastes (Products)

The Government of India promulgated the E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011, based on the concept of extended producer responsibility (EPR). However, the collection of e-waste has not progressed as …

Air Pollution Control in India


As a result of economic growth with increased traffic, industrialization and energy demand, India’s air pollution is getting worse by the day, especially in urban areas, where cars are a …

Water Pollution Control in India


The central legislation in the control of water pollution in India is the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (the “Water Act”). The Water Act was enacted for …

India, EHS laws & regulations framework

  Introduction As one of the BRICs countries, India has achieved remarkable economic growth in recent years. Along with economic growth, environmental pollution is increasing in the country. Various challenges …