Posts of Southeast Asia

Singapore announces public consultation on new regulations for five chemicals

NEA intends to add five substances under review in the Stockholm Convention and the Rotterdam Conventions into the Environmental Protection and Management Act

POPs Draft Chemical Substances (Products) Biocidal Products Industrial Chemicals Plastics

NOTE: On May 31, 2022, Singapore officially published the Environmental Protection and Management Act 1999 (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 2022  to regulate the five substances. See more details below: …

Philippines, Air Management


Republic Act No. 8749, An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy and for other Purposes or more commonly referred to as the “Philippine Clean Air Act of …

Brief report: Public consultation for new regulations on e-waste, ELV and waste packaging management of Vietnam (2)

Q&A on the proposed EPR system

EPR Draft Circular Economy Wastes (Products) Container/Packaging Automobiles Motorcycles Non-road Mobile Machinery Batteries Household Appliances IT Equipments Office Equipments Industrial Chemicals Plastics

On June 16, 2021, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), held a webinar on hearing comments for …

Brief report: Public consultation for new regulations on e-waste, ELV and packaging waste management of Vietnam (1)

Overview of the proposed EPR system

EPR Circular Economy Wastes (Products) Container/Packaging Automobiles Motorcycles Non-road Mobile Machinery Batteries Household Appliances IT Equipments Office Equipments Biocidal Products Detergents Fertilizers Industrial Chemicals Plastics Food Contact Materials

On June 16, 2021, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), held a webinar on hearing comments for …

Indonesia sets new rules of products labelling

Container/Packaging Others (Products) Automobiles Motorcycles Batteries Household Appliances IT Equipments Medical Products and Equipments Office Equipments Biocidal Products Cosmetics Detergents Fertilizers Paint Construction Materials Furniture Stationery Products Textiles

On April 1, 2021, “the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 25 of 2021 on determining products required to use or display Indonesian language labels” was enacted in Indonesia. …

Indonesia, Soil pollution control


In Indonesia, industrial development has resulted in wide-ranging types of waste from factories and similar facilities, causing environmental pollution and health damage to residents. In particular, hazardous and toxic wastes …

Indonesia, Air Quality Control


The greatest concern for air quality control in Indonesia is the exhaust gas emissions from automobiles and motorcycles. In particular, urban areas including the capital Jakarta face increasingly serious air …

Indonesia, Water Quality Control


Water pollution has become a major problem in Indonesia because wastewater is generally discharged into rivers and lakes directly in the country. This situation is cause by undeveloped sewer systems …