Thailand Thailand requires aviation operators to report carbon emissions

Thailand requires aviation operators to report carbon emissions

Thailand established “Regulation of the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand No. 23 on Carbon Dioxide Emission Monitoring and Reporting in Aviation” on 2 December 2021. The regulation requires aviation business operators to monitor and report carbon dioxide emissions by aviation. The regulation shall be effective from the next day of the publication in the Royal Gazette.


Requirements on operators

The regulation requires the following for aviation business operators

  • An aviation business operator with a plane shall store data and report the quantity of fuel consumed and overall air traffic statistics of each year to the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) before the 20 February of the next year,
  • An aviation business operator with a plane with international flights for a plane with a maximum take-off mass over 5700 kilograms shall conduct an initial estimation for data on carbon dioxide emission of each year and submit the result with related documents to the CAAT before the 20 February of the next year.
  • In case an aviation business operator with a plane with international flights for a plane with maximum take-off mass over 5700 kilograms have an annual carbon dioxide emissions of more than 10,000 metric tons, the operator shall comply with the Carbon Dioxide Emission Monitoring and Reporting System from the next year of such year. The system requires the following data;
    • Emission Monitoring Plan
    • Data on Aviation Business Operator Identification
    • Fleet and Operations Data
    • Methods and means of calculating emissions from international flights, and
    • Data management, data control, and data flow.
  • An aviation business operator who is already listed in the Carbon Dioxide Emission Monitoring and Reporting System shall prepare an emission report in accordance with the approved measuring plan, and the report must be submitted with the Verification Report as well as related documents to the CAAT before 30 April of the next year.


Thailand is required to comply with the obligation made with the International Civil Aviation Organization on Global Market-Based Measure (GMBM), the measure supporting the achievement of the Global Aspirational Goal on Maintenance of Net Carbon Dioxide Emission of International Civil Aviation not to be higher than Carbon-Neutral Growth 2020 by applying the Carbon Offsetting and Regulation Scheme for International Aviation under the project title of Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).


Download original text of the regulation at

Author / Responsibility


Managing Director, Green & Blue Planet Solutions Co., Ltd.

Business Performance

Managing and leadding a variey of environmental projects in Thailand and SE Asia


MSc in Envionmental Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand),
MSc in Environmental Science, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (the Netherlands)