Posts of Regulations for Factory

China, New Chemical Substances

Chemical Substances (Products) Chemical Substances (Factory)

In China, new chemical substances are managed in a system where “companies apply and register chemical substances for themselves”, based on the Measures on the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances and the Guidelines on the Reporting and Registration of New Chemical Substances as well as the inventory. The application and registration status of new chemical substances are kept updated on the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China. A public notice is issued for each reported substance; it gives the receipt number, Chinese name of the substance, applicant (a person or a company), application type and management type.

China, Air Pollution Control Act


A trend report on air pollution.   Background The Air Pollution Control Act — one of the nine basic environmental protection laws and the overarching legislation for air pollution control …

China, Water Pollution Control Act


A trend report on water pollution regulations.   Background The Water Pollution Control Act — one of the nine basic environmental protection laws and the overarching legislation for water pollution …

Soil and Groundwater management in Thailand

Water Soil

Environmental standard for Soil and Groundwater has been established under Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535 (1992). In 2016, Ministry of Industry established “Ministerial Regulation B.E. …

Soil Contamination Prevention in China


1. Current status of soil pollution and countermeasures in China In China, the situation of soil contamination is not deemed to be optimistic because the legislative efforts to cope with …

Air pollution control in China


Air pollution control  (This page) Air Pollution Control Act   1. Current status of air pollution and countermeasures in China In recent years, in China, it is said that by …

Water pollution prevention in China


Water pollution prevention  (This page) Water Pollution Control Act   1. Current status of water pollution and countermeasures in China In China, along with high economic development, the promotion of …

Soil pollution control in Vietnam


In recent years, especially since 2010, soil/land pollution has got increased attention in Vietnam. In particular, pollution is serious in agricultural land and industrial sites. However, soil rehabilitation has not …

Water management in Vietnam


A remarkable water resource-related issue in Vietnam is water pollution due to the industrialization in recent years. A report published by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) has …

Seminar on amendment of Law on Chemicals in Vietnam

7 major points discussed, including NCI and chemicals in products (CiP)

Chemical Substances (Products) Chemical Substances (Factory) Transport equipment and Mobile machinery Electrical and Electronic Equipments Chemical Products Other Products

On September 17, 2020, at the Movenpick Hanoi Hotel, the Vietnam Chemical Agency (Vinachemia) of Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and the U.S. Export Control and Related Border …

Energy Conservation in Vietnam

Energy Efficiency

Energy Conservation  (This page) Energy efficiency regulation of products   With the industrialization and the spread of various domestic electrical appliances, Vietnamese electric power consumption has been increasing year by …

Air Pollution Control in India


As a result of economic growth with increased traffic, industrialization and energy demand, India’s air pollution is getting worse by the day, especially in urban areas, where cars are a …

Water Pollution Control in India


The central legislation in the control of water pollution in India is the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (the “Water Act”). The Water Act was enacted for …

Air pollution control in Thailand


Various pollution sources including automobiles, vessels, factories, construction sites, limestone mining and rock quarrying, open burning in agricultural fields and etc. contribute increasing air pollution in Thailand. Different ministries tackle …

Water management in Thailand

Wastes (Products) Water

Water management is regulated by several acts implemented by different ministries. Water management laws in Thailand: Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) The act is …

Bhutan releases Environmental Standards, 2020, establishing various standard values

11 criteria including industrial effluent discharge standards and vehicular emission standards being specified

Others (Products) Water Air Noise Occupational Safety and Health Motorcycles

In June 2020, the National Environment Commission of Bhutan released the Environmental Standards, 2020. The standards establish standard values for the following 11 criteria. Ambient water quality criteria Industrial effluent …

Bill to fully amend Law on Environmental Protection of 2014 in Vietnam

Major changes expected in waste management

Environmental Basic Law Wastes (Products) Product Designs Container/Packaging Wastes (Factory) Water Air Soil Climate Change Others (Factory) Transport equipment and Mobile machinery Electrical and Electronic Equipments Chemical Products

On December 13, 2019, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam published a new bill to fully amend the Environmental Protection Law of 2014 and opened the call …