China China publishes assessment measures for accident prevention in production and implementation of rectification

China publishes assessment measures for accident prevention in production and implementation of rectification

On March 3,2021, the Safety Committee Office of State Council of P.R. China released the “Assessment measures for the production safety accident prevention and implementation of rectification measures” (hereafter refereed as “Assessment measures”), and came into effect immediately. The “Assessment measures” is formulated to thoroughly implement the “Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the reform and development of production safety” (2016), and promote the effective implementation of production safety accident prevention and rectification measures.

The “Assessment measures” is applied to the assessment of the implementation of the accident prevention and rectification measures which proposed in the production safety accident investigation report.

Within 10 months to 1 year after the accident is concluded, the local government responsible for accident investigation and the relevant departments under the State Council shall organize the evaluation. The specific work is implemented by the safety production committee or the office of the safety production committee.

In principle, the assessment team is composed of departments participating in the accident investigation, according to work needs, relevant professional technical service organizations or experts can be invited to participate the assessment.


Key assessment contents

The assessment team shall check prevention and rectification measures and recommendations one by one based on the investigation report of production safety accidents, and focusing on the following contents.

  • Specific measures taken by accident-causing enterprises, related enterprises, governments and departments in accident prevention and rectification, and the implementation results. And the status of strengthening production safety operations based on the lessons learned from the accident.
  • The implementation of administrative penalties recommendations for the units responsible for the accident and the responsible person.


On-site assessment method

The “assessment methods” also specifies the on-site assessment method. The on-site assessment method is mainly divided into the following four steps.

  • Review of information. Check the report on the implementation of accident prevention and rectification measures submitted by local government and relevant departments relevant to the accident according to the requirements of accident investigation report and closure notice.
  • Discussion and inquiry. Clarify the implementation of rectification work of relevant local governments, relevant departments and units involved in the accident.
  • Check the file. Verify the relevant meeting minutes, documents, related documents, financial vouchers, personnel files, etc. which involved in the rectification of the accident.
  • Visit and verify. Visit the responsible person staying enterprise or detention place to check the relevant situation. And visit the relevant areas and enterprises, enterprises involved, and similar enterprises to check the implementation of rectification on site.

After the assessment is completed, the assessment team shall prepare the evaluation report as requested and submit it to the local administration department or the State Council related department. The local government or the State Council-related department in charge of carrying out the assessment-related work will urge related units to make correction of the problems found in the evaluation based on the related requirements.

The full evaluation report shall be released to the public through the media or in the form of government information disclosure, and be subject to social supervision.

For the original text of the above “Assessment methods” please refer to the following URL (in simplified Chinese).

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