In Indonesia, rules governing noise, vibration, and offensive odor are established under the Government Regulation No. 41/1999 on Air Pollution Control. Currently, there are three Decrees on stationary emission sources of such pollution, which were originally establishment in 1996 and are still in force.

Legal system for noise, vibration, and offensive odor control:

  • Law No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management
    A fundamental environment law, which regulates the environmental management in Indonesia generally.
    It also stipulates specific penalties.

    • Government Regulation No. 41/ 1999 on Air Pollution Control
      Defines a wide range of requirements for air pollution control
      Business entities must comply with the set standards on noise, odor, and vibration levels.

      • Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 48/1996 Concerning the Noise Level Standards
      • Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 49/1996 Concerning the Vibration Level Standards
      • Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 50/1996 Concerning the Odor Level Standards
      • Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 07/2009 on Noise Level Limits for New Motor Vehicles

The below Table summarizes the requirements and contents of Annexes of the three Decrees. Each of them requires business entities to comply with the standards, to control emission sources, and to report monitoring results to the relevant authorities.


Table: Requirements on noise, vibration, and offensive odor control for business entities and contents of Annexes

  Requirements Annex contents
Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 49/1996 Concerning the Noise Level Standards
  • Compliance with the noise level standard
  • Installation of noise control equipment
  • Report of noise monitoring results to relevant authorities (at least once every 3 months)
Annex 1: Noise level standard (Chart 79)

Annex 2: Noise level measuring, calculation, and assessment methods

Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51/1996 Concerning the Vibration Level Standards
  • Compliance with the vibration level standard
  • Installation of vibration control equipment
  • Report of vibration monitoring results to relevant authorities (at least once every 3 months)
Annex 1: Standards for vibration level to ensure comfort and health

Annex 2: Standards for mechanical vibration level by impact damage

Annex 3: Standards for mechanical vibration level by building type

Annex 4: Standards for impact-induced mechanical vibration level

Annex 5: Measurement method and vibration level analysis

Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 50/1996 Concerning the Odor Level Standards
  • Compliance with the odor level standard
  • Installation of odor control equipment
  • Report of odor monitoring results to relevant authorities (at least once every 3 months)
Annex: Odor level standard (Chart 80)


Table: Noise level standard

Land use/ activity Noise level dB(A)
A. Land use
1. Residential 55
2. Commercial or service facility 70
3. Business office 65
4. Greenery area 50
5. Industrial facility 70
6. Governmental or public facility 60
7. Recreational facilities  
8. Specified facility  
Port 70
Cultural property 60
b. Activities
1. Hospital or equivalent activities 55
2. Hospital or equivalent activities 55
3. Mosque or equivalent activities 55


Table: Odor level standard

No. Parameter Allowed limit value (ppm) Measurement method Measurement equipment
1 Ammonia 2.0 Indophenol method Spectrophotometer
2 Methyl mercaptan 0.002 Gas suction Gas chromatograph
3 Hydrogen sulfide 0.02 a. Mercury thiocyanate method
b. Gas suction
Gas chromatograph
4 Methyl sulfide 0.01 Gas suction Gas chromatograph
5 Styrene 0.1 Gas suction Gas chromatograph