Indonesia Indonesia establishes regulation detailing the management requirements for hazardous waste

Indonesia establishes regulation detailing the management requirements for hazardous waste

Indonesia enacted the “Regulation of the Minister of the Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2021 on the Procedures and Requirements for the Management of Hazardous Wastes” (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulation”) on April 1, 2021 and the regulation came into effect on the same day. This Regulation, which is the implementing regulation for the “Government Decree No. 22 of 2021 on Environmental Protection Management,” consists of 14 chapters, 237 articles, and 29 annexes. It replaces several laws and regulations (described later) that were previously in force, and establishes regulations for the general management of hazardous waste (B3 waste). The annexes specify the thresholds for determining B3 waste (Annex 1), the storage facility requirements for B3 waste (Annex 6), the recording format for B3 waste management activities (Annex 9), the technical requirements for the use of B3 waste (Annex 13), and the emission standards for the incineration of B3 waste (Annex 14).


The management regulations for B3 waste stipulated in the Regulation cover the following 11 items.

    1. Determination of the state of B3 waste
    2. Reduction of B3 waste
    3. Storage of B3 waste
    4. Recovery of B3 waste
    5. Transport of B3 waste
    6. Use of B3 waste
    7. Treatment of B3 waste
    8. Accumulation of B3 waste
    9. Dumping of B3 waste
    10. Cross-border movement of B3 waste
    11. Application and issuance of technical certification in the field of B3 waste management and operational qualification certificate (SLO-PLB3) in the field of B3 waste management.


The following previous regulations are now invalid with the enforcement of the Regulation.


The original text of the Regulation can be downloaded from the following website.


Reduction of B3 waste

The emitter of B3 waste shall proceed to reduce its generation. The following measures are presented in these Rules as methods of “reduction.”

    1. Substitute materials
    2. Changes in the manufacturing process
    3. Use of environmentally friendly technologies

These reduction activities must be reported in writing to the Minister of the Environment and Forestry every six months.


Storage of B3 waste

Storage requirements for B3 waste are specified in Chapter 4 (Articles 51 to 80) of the Regulation. Storage method requirements are broadly divided into three categories: storage location, storage method, and storage period, each of which is detailed below.

Storage requirements Details
Storage location

(Articles 56 to 67)

  • Select a location that is not susceptible to natural disasters.
  • Place the B3 waste under the control of the B3 waste emitter.
  • Storage facilities (buildings, tanks, silos, deposits, storage pools) must be selected according to the classification of B3 waste.
  • Take measures such as leakage prevention and emergency measures for the storage facilities.
  • Install emergency response equipment (fire detection system, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.)
Storage method

(Articles 68 to 78)

  • Use metal or plastic packaging, depending on the characteristics of the B3 waste.
  • Install a lid on the packaging container to prevent leakage.
  • Display symbols and labels on the packaging according to the characteristics of the B3 waste.
Storage period

(Article 79)

  • 90 days from the generation of B3 waste for B3 waste that is generated at a rate of more than 50 kg per day
  • 180 days from the date of generation of B3 waste for B3 waste of category 1, that is generated at a rate of less than 50 kg per day
  • 365 days from the generation of B3 waste for B3 waste of category 2 from an unspecified source or general specified source that is generated at a rate of less than 50 kg per day
  • 365 days from the generation of B3 waste for B3 waste of category 2 from a special specified source

In addition, when storing B3 waste, it is also mandatory to record the amount and type of B3 waste generated. The record format is specified in Annex 9 of the Regulation and records must be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry every six months via


Manifest of the transport of B3 waste

An electronic manifest is required when transporting B3 waste. The transporter fills in the manifest, but the generator can also register as an operator at and confirm the contents of the description given by the transporter.

Author / Responsibility

AOKI Kenji

Senior Consultant, EnviX Ltd.
General Director, E&H Consulting Co., Ltd.

Business Performance

Expertise in EHS (environment, health and safety) consulting in ASEAN region.
- Environmental regulations updating
- Chemical regulations consulting


MSc in Earth Science, The University of Tokyo

AOKI Kenji