Energy conservation in Thailand

Energy conservation and promotion of energy efficiency is legally supported by Energy Conservation Promotion Act B.E. 2535 (1992). Energy conservation is defined as to produce and use energy efficiently and economically. Owner of designated factories and buildings shall conserve energy, audit and analyze energy utilization of their premise. Producers and distributors of high­efficiency machinery or equipment or materials to be used for energy conservation are eligible to enjoy incentives and support from time to time depends on a budget planning of the government.


Energy Conservation Promotion Act

Energy Conservation Promotion Act, amendments and subsidiary regulations and notifications:

Act Publication
Energy Conservation Promotion Act B.E. 2535 (1992) 1992.04.02
Energy Conservation Promotion Act No.2, B.E. 2550 (2007) 2007.12.04
Royal Decree Publication
Royal Decree on Designated Factory B.E. 2540 (1997) 1997.03.19
Royal Decree on Designated Building B.E. 2538 (1995) 1995.08.14
Ministerial Regulation Publication
Ministerial Regulation B.E. 2552(2009): Standard, Criteria, and Energy Management Procedures In Designated Factories and Buildings 2009.07.23
Ministerial Regulation B.E. 2552(2009): Prescribing Qualifications, Duties and Number of Personnel Responsible for Energy 2009.07.31
Notification of Ministry Publication
Notification of Ministry of Energy B.E. 2552(2009): Criteria and Procedure for the Management of Energy In Designated Factories and Buildings 2009.10.26
Notification of Department Publication
Notification of Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency: Form of Appointment of Personnel Responsible for energy B.E. 2552 2009.09.18
Notification of Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency: Form of the Certification of Energy Conservation Performance of Personnel Responsible for Energy B.E. 2552 2009.09.18


Energy management in designated factory

Designated factory is defined as follows:

  • Single factory or more than one factories using the same address with an approved electricity meter of equal or greater than 1,000 kilowatts or with a total installed capacity of equal or greater than 1,175 kilovolts-ampere (KVA) of one or more than one transformers or;
  • Single factory or many factories using the same address number which use electricity from the system of heat distributor from steam distributor or other nonrenewable energy from distributor or oneself, either one source or in combination, since the 1st day of January to the 31st day of December of the previous year in the overall amount equivalent to electrical energy of not less than 20 millions mega Jules.

Designated factories are required to:

  • appoint a qualified person responsible for energy;
  • establish energy management system and;
  • submit the energy management audit and certification report every year.