Thailand amended the Factory Act B.E.2535 (1992) for the first time in April 2019. The Amended Factory Act abolished the renewal system of factory licensing. At the same time, the amendment introduced new requirement for factory operators called “Self-declaration”.


 “Self-declaration” and “Third-party Audit”

Under the Self-declaration scheme which is expected to launch in 2021, factory operator will be required to submit Self-declaration Report every year via online system of Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Ministry of Industry. In the report, factory will be required to assure its legal compliance in environmental management and occupational safety and sustainability performance. In addition, compliance audit shall be conducted to evaluate actual performance by registered third-party auditor every 2 or 3 years.

Scheme of“Self-Declaration” and “Third-party Audit”

DIW is currently working on drafting subsidiary regulation to implement the scheme. The subsideiary regulation is expected to be published in the Royal Gazetter by the end of 2020 from Ministry of Industry. Self-declaration Report will consist of 3 parts as follows;

  • Part 1: Basic information of the factory
  • Part 2: Legal compliance
  • Part 3: Sustainnabiliy peformance

Online reporting website