Posts of Regulations for Factory

Japan’s “PRTR Act”

Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof

Chemical Substances (Products) Chemical Substances (Factory)

Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof (Japan’s “PRTR Act”) The Act on Confirmation, …

Beijing issues water consumption standards for vehicle production

Water intake calculation method, two levels of water allowances, etc. introduced for aiming water conservation

Water Automobiles

The Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation on June 21 issued local standards called the “Norm of water intake—Part 15: Vehicle manufacturing” (DB11/T 1764.15—2021). These standards are put into effect …

Philippines, Air Management


Republic Act No. 8749, An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy and for other Purposes or more commonly referred to as the “Philippine Clean Air Act of …

Indonesia, Soil pollution control


In Indonesia, industrial development has resulted in wide-ranging types of waste from factories and similar facilities, causing environmental pollution and health damage to residents. In particular, hazardous and toxic wastes …

Indonesia, Air Quality Control


The greatest concern for air quality control in Indonesia is the exhaust gas emissions from automobiles and motorcycles. In particular, urban areas including the capital Jakarta face increasingly serious air …

Indonesia, Water Quality Control


Water pollution has become a major problem in Indonesia because wastewater is generally discharged into rivers and lakes directly in the country. This situation is cause by undeveloped sewer systems …

Expansion of Labeling and SDS Issuance Obligations in Japan

Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare announced estimated schedule for Expansion of substances subject to labeling and SDS issuance that will require mandatory measures

Regulations for Products Chemical Substances (Products) Product Designs Chemical Substances (Factory)

On February 15, 2021, the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) held a meeting of the Risk Assessment Working Group of the Study Group on the Management of Chemical …