On September 24, 2021, the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau released the revised local standard “General principles for cleaner production audit for industrial enterprises” (DB11/T 1156-2021). The standard stipulates as the basic principles, procedures, technical requirements, format requirements of audit reports for the voluntary or compulsory cleaner production audit for industrial enterprises. This revised standard will come into effect on January 1, 2022. Its outline is as follows;
Terms and definitions
Cleaner production audit:
The process of investigating and diagnosing the production and service process following certain procedures, finding out the causes of high energy consumption, high material consumption, and proposing a workable solution to reduce energy and material consumption, and recycle the waste, and finally determining and implementing the feasible cleaner production plan.
Compulsory cleaner production audit:
The following enterprises are regulated to conduct compulsory cleaner production audit according to the provisions of the “Cleaner Production Promotion Law” (Violators will be punished [a fine less than 500,000 yuan]).
- When the pollutant discharge level exceeds the national or local emission standards, or without exceed the emission standards, but exceed the pollutant total amount control targets of key pollutants.
- When the energy consumption of unit product exceeds the limit, and is considered as high energy consumption.
- When using toxic or hazardous raw materials, or emitting toxic or hazardous substances during the production.
- According to the “Beijing cleaner production regulation”, Beijing also make public the regulated enterprises list.
The main amendments
- The latest environmental management policies (such as the pollutant discharge permit system and carbon emission) have been added into the related requirements (in the of audit contents, the implementation of the pollutant discharge permit system is added).
- Different technical requirements are specified for voluntary cleaner production audit and compulsory cleaner production audit (more stringent requirement are stipulated for the regulated enterprises for compulsory cleaner production audit).
For the original text of the above local standard, please refer to the following URL (in simplified Chinese).