Posts of Vietnam

Vietnam releases draft of new RoHS regulations to thoroughly revise existing rules

Four new phthalates would be added to the restricted substances

RoHS Draft Chemical Substances (Products) Motorcycles Household Appliances IT Equipments Medical Products and Equipments Office Equipments

On Aug. 19, 2022, the Vietnamese government issued a circular on a draft of a new RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) regulation, which is called the National Technical Regulation on …

Vietnam’s new decree revises punishments rules in the fields of industry and trade

Including penalties for violating regulations on chemicals and energy conservation

Chemical Substances (Products) Product Designs Chemical Substances (Factory) Energy Efficiency Electrical and Electronic Equipments Industrial Chemicals

On January 31, 2022, the Government of Vietnam established the Decree No. 17/2022/17 Amending and Supplementing a Number of Decrees Stipulating Administrative Penalties in the Fields of Chemicals, Industrial Explosives, …

Brief report: Public consultation on EPR regulations in Vietnam (2nd round) (2)

Q&A on the draft EPR regulations

EPR Circular Economy Wastes (Products) Container/Packaging Automobiles Motorcycles Batteries Household Appliances IT Equipments Office Equipments

On August 27, 2021, the Legislation Department of the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) held an online public consultation: Webinar: Hearing Opinions on the Extended Producer Responsibility …

Brief report: Public consultation on EPR regulations in Vietnam (2nd round) (1)

Amendments from the previous version of the draft decree

EPR Circular Economy Wastes (Products) Container/Packaging Automobiles Motorcycles Batteries Household Appliances IT Equipments Office Equipments

On August 27, 2021, the Legislation Department of Vietnam’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) held an online public consultation: Webinar: Hearing Opinions on the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) …

Brief report: Public consultation for new regulations on e-waste, ELV and waste packaging management of Vietnam (2)

Q&A on the proposed EPR system

Draft EPR Circular Economy Wastes (Products) Container/Packaging Automobiles Motorcycles Non-road Mobile Machinery Batteries Household Appliances IT Equipments Office Equipments Industrial Chemicals Plastics

On June 16, 2021, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), held a webinar on hearing comments for …

Brief report: Public consultation for new regulations on e-waste, ELV and packaging waste management of Vietnam (1)

Overview of the proposed EPR system

EPR Circular Economy Wastes (Products) Container/Packaging Automobiles Motorcycles Non-road Mobile Machinery Batteries Household Appliances IT Equipments Office Equipments Biocidal Products Detergents Fertilizers Industrial Chemicals Plastics Food Contact Materials

On June 16, 2021, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), held a webinar on hearing comments for …

3-Year schedule for National Technical Standards (QCVN) development on environmental management in Vietnam

Including wastewater standards, exhaust gas standards, microplastics, POPs, etc.

Chemical Substances (Products) Wastes (Factory) Water Air Soil Noise Vibration Environmental Management

On November 25, 2020, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam enacted the “Decision No. 2664/QD-BTNMT on approval of the plan to develop National Technical Regulation (QCVN) on …

Vietnam, Air pollution control


In Vietnam, where economic growth continues, air pollution caused by exhaust gas from automobiles, factories, construction projects has become a serious problem. Though the sources of the pollution differ depending …