On the last month article, we discussed the details of Pollution Control Department’s 3-year action plan (2020 – 2022) which will be used as an instrument to drive the national strategy into action, to set the direction of the organization’s mission, and to serve as mutual agreement within the organization. The plan is grouped to main sections which composed of 1) Air Quality and Noise Management Action Plan 2) Water Quality Management Action Plan 3) Waste and Domestic Hazardous Waste Management Action Plan 4) Environmentally Friendly Production and Consumption Action Plan 5) Increasing Efficiency of Pollution Management Action Plan and 6) Organization Management Action Plan. Since we have discussed on topic 1) – 3), we continue our discussion with other 3 action plan as followed:
(4) Environmentally Friendly Production and Consumption Action Plan
Main target of the plan is to “increase number of environmentally friendly products and services”. Main activity under the action plan are project to promote Thailand’s sustainable (green) products and services.
(5) Increasing Efficiency of Pollution Management Action Plan
Main target of the plan is to “increase number of plan, standard and criteria related to pollution management”. Main projects under the action plan are,
- Development and improvement of standards, measures and criteria for environmental quality management and control of pollution from sources.
- Development of regulations on pollution control which focusing on WEEE, waste management, plastic waste.
- Monitoring and enforcing against water pollution sources and monitoring and enforcing against vehicle.
- Operation according to international commitments and international cooperation such as Basel convention, Rotterdam convention, Stockholm convention and Minamata convention as well as ASEAN agreement on transboundary pollution.
- Development of information system to support pollution and organizational management.
- Pollution management on emergency cases, pollution control areas, and pollution sites (contaminated sites).
(6) Organization Management Action Plan
Main target of the plan is “being an organization which aim for work accomplishment and can adapted to keep up with changes and have work transparency to meet with stakeholders’ needs”. Main projects under the action plan are,
- Development of information systems to support pollution management and organizations.
- Improve organizational management efficiency by development of human resource development plan and creating awareness and communicating on key roles and missions of Pollution Control Department to the public.
In recent years, there are constant trend of increasing public awareness toward pollution problems in Thailand. This result in increasing expectation toward Pollution Control Department to solve such pollution issues. However; the work relating pollution in Thailand still receive considerably small amount of budget when comparing with development work such as transportation system and industrial development. No matter how pollution situation getting worsen, the Pollution Control Department is expected to receive a yearly budget of around 550 Million Baht in near future.
An original text of “3-year action plan (2020 – 2022)” can be downloaded at the following URL:
This article is my personal opinion and might not reflect my organization policy.