On May 28, 2020, the Thai Ministry of Industry promulgated “Ministry of Industry Notification: Types of Raw Materials Used at Factories and their Sources B.E. 2563 (2020)” in the Royal Gazette. This notification, which came into force on the 29 May 2020, prohibits the use of waste electrical and electronic equipment as raw materials in factories.
The raw materials which are prohibited to be used are as follows.
- Electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap (not included scrap from electric power generation) containing such as accumulators and other batteries, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-raytubes and other activated glasses and PCB-capacitors, or contaminated with Cadmium, Mercury, Lead Polychlorinated Biphenyl as specified in No. 2.18 of the Hazardous Substance List 5.2 under the Hazardous Substances Act
- Other contaminated dangerous substances imported from foreign countries which is specified by the Ministry of Industry
Download original text of the Notification at