Thailand Thai Ministry of Industry plans to extend a list of target chemicals for half-yearly reporting

In April 2020, Department of Industrial Works (DIW) of the Ministry of Industry, Thailand, opened a draft notification for public comment. The draft proposed to extend a list of target chemicals for half-yearly reporting (commonly called as Vor Or/ Or Kor. 7 or VOOK. 7) from existing list of 53 chemicals. The draft also proposed to set a threshold limit of 100 kg per 6 months for reporting requirement. The draft is expected to come into force on July 1, 2020.

Author / Responsibility


Managing Director, Green & Blue Planet Solutions Co., Ltd.

Business Performance

Managing and leadding a variey of environmental projects in Thailand and SE Asia


MSc in Envionmental Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand),
MSc in Environmental Science, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (the Netherlands)