Thailand Thailand set out odor standard for rubber industry

On 18 October 2019, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand promulgated “Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Notification regarding standard of odor emitted from rubber factory” in the Royal Gazette. The notification, which will come into effect 180 days after the promulgation, set out first odor standard for rubber manufacturing plants in Thailand.


Target factory and standard

The all size of factory categorized as No.52 factory for business related to rubber under Factory Act shall meet following odor concentration standard;

Odor concentration standard at the factory’s boundary or within the factory Odor concentration standard at the stack
30 Unit 2,500 Unit

Sensory test for odor measurement shall be made by the registered odor testing personnel.

Download original text of the Notification at

Author / Responsibility


Managing Director, Green & Blue Planet Solutions Co., Ltd.

Business Performance

Managing and leadding a variey of environmental projects in Thailand and SE Asia


MSc in Envionmental Engineering and Management, Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand),
MSc in Environmental Science, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (the Netherlands)