Philippines Philippines Adopts National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan and Roadmap 2023-2050

Philippines Adopts National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan and Roadmap 2023-2050

In the Philippines, on June 13, 2023, the “Department Circular No. DC2023-05-0018 Adoption of the National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan (NEECP) and Roadmap 2023-2050” was published in two general newspapers. The “NEECP” and “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Roadmap 2023-2050” have been adopted based on this circular. The former provides a comprehensive framework for institutionalizing energy efficiency and conservation in major domestic sectors, and explains the governance structure, various energy efficiency and conservation programs, and emission reduction targets. The latter, on the other hand, outlines specific strategic plans and actions to conserve energy in all sectors. The circular shall enter into force 15 days after its publication in two general papers.

The circular and the “NEECP and Roadmap” can be viewed at the following URL:


The “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Roadmap 2023-2050” shows strategic actions by sector in the short term (2023-2024), medium term (2025-2028), and long term (2029-2050). In particular, the main contents of the Philippine Energy Labeling Program (PELP), the Vehicles Fuel Economy Labeling Program (VFELP), and the designated establishments that are required to implement various energy efficiency and conservation measures are as follows:


Household sector

Eligible period Field Specific activities
Short-term (2023-2024) PELP
  • Formulation of guidelines for the implementation of fans and washing machines and establishment of an online registration system
  • Strengthened PELP online registration system
  • Strengthened Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement (MVE) Framework
Medium-term (2025-2028) PELP
  • Formulate labels and minimum energy performance (MEP) for general household appliances (rice cookers, irons, microwave ovens, induction cookers, etc.)


Industrial sector

Eligible period Field Specific activities
Short-term (2023-2024) PELP
  • Formulation of MEP for motors and implementation of consultation
Medium-term (2025-2028) PELP
  • Formulation of MEPs for other industrial equipment (transformers, etc.)
Short-term (2023-2024)/
Medium-term (2025-2028)
Designated establishments
  • Investigate the submission status on the online submission portal
  • Site visits to validate reports


Transport sector

Eligible period Field Specific activities
Short-term (2023-2024) VFELP
  • Formulation of MEP
  • Develop and strengthen the MVE framework
Medium-term (2025-2028) VFELP
  • Consideration of financial incentives for fuel economy (e.g. subsidies for domestic manufacturers, reduction of tariffs on imported spare parts for fuel-efficient vehicles)


The NEECP and roadmap are scheduled to be revised and updated within three years.

Author / Responsibility


Researcher, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

In charge of Southeast Asia for managing information on the environmental regulations.


BA, Human Life and Environmental Sciences, Ochanomizu University