India India amends boiler rules to expand the scope to the whole country

On February 18, 2020, India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry published the amendment regulation “Indian Boiler (Amendment) Regulations, 2019” to expand the scope of application to all of India in “Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950”. This amendment came into force on the date of the publication in the Official Gazette.

The draft was open for 30 days public comment from December 10, 2019. The competent authority is Central Boilers Board of Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade in Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

The “Indian Boiler (Amendment) Regulations, 2019” can be downloaded from the following URL (in Hindi and English)


Author / Responsibility


Senior Research Associate, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

In charge of South Asia (India, Bangladesh, etc.), South Korea, Latin America (Mexico, Colombia, etc.) and Turkey for managing infomation on the environmental regulations


MA, Environment, Development and Policy, University of Sussex