The main laws and regulations relating to occupational health and safety in India are as follows.
- Factories Act, 1948
The Factories Act, 1948 was enacted for the purpose of controlling occupational safety and health in factories and regulates the safety, health and welfare of the workers. The Act empowers the states to prescribe their implementing rules and regulations and many states have prescribed them.
e.g.- Tamil Nadu Factories Rules, 1950
- Maharashtra Factories Rules, 1963
- Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969
- Explosive Act, 1884
The Explosives Act, 1884 was enacted to regulate the manufacture, possession, use, sale, transportation and import and export of explosives. Under this Act, the Central Government may prohibit the manufacture, possession and importation of explosives which may be deemed dangerous.
- Explosive Rules, 2008
The Explosives Rules, 2008 were enacted to regulate the manufacture, import, export, transport and possession for sale, sale or use of explosives. Other subordinate regulations of the Explosives Act 1884 include the following.- Calcium Carbide Rules, 1987
- Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012
- Gas Cylinders Rules, 2016
- Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 2016
- Petroleum Act, 1934
The Petroleum Act, 1934 regulates the importation, transportation, storage, production, refining and blending of petroleum. Under this Act and its subordinate legislation, the Petroleum Rules, 2002, any person importing or storing petroleum must obtain a license. - Petroleum Rules, 2002
The Petroleum Rules, 2002 sets provisions for the approval of refineries and processing plants, authorization for the transportation of petroleum by water, land and pipelines, and for the containers in which petroleum is stored. These Rules have also been partially amended by the Petroleum (Amendment) Rules, 2011.
Fire Prevention
In India, laws and regulations related to firefighting equipment are not set at the national level, but each state government has its own fire prevention act and its implementing regulations. For example, Delhi has formulated the Delhi Fire Service Act, 2007 and the Delhi Fire Service Rules 2010.
In India, Regulations for boiler equipment are also set out as follows.
- Boilers Act, 1923
- Boiler Regulations, 1950
- Boiler Operation Engineers Rules, 2011
- Boilers Attendants Rule, 2011
- Boiler Appeal Rules, 2013