India India introduces Bill to create National Council for Waste Management

In India, on February 7, 2020, a bill “National Council for Waste Management Act, 2019” (Bill No. LXIV of 2019) for the creation of national commission for its management was submitted to the Senate (Rajya Sabha). Also it was disclosed in the Official Gazette on February 19. The date of entry into force shall be fixed in a separate notification issued by the central government.

The national council will be created at the same time as it comes into force and be responsible for developing a policy for waste management and providing recommendations on the related issues. The council will be chaired by a person with more than 25 years of expertise in waste handling and management matters and be consisted of a total of six members including the chairman.

In the statement of reasons for developing the bill, it is stated that the purpose of this committee is to assist the state government and others with respect to waste management policies, programs, goals and implementation, and that it will also be responsible for reviewing the implementation of existing laws and regulations.

The bill “National Council for Waste Management Act, 2019” can be downloaded from the following URL (in English)

Author / Responsibility


Senior Research Associate, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

In charge of South Asia (India, Bangladesh, etc.), South Korea, Latin America (Mexico, Colombia, etc.) and Turkey for managing infomation on the environmental regulations


MA, Environment, Development and Policy, University of Sussex