On May 24, 2023, the Vietnamese government promulgated Prime Minister Decision No. 14/2023/QD-TTg on Energy Consuming Equipment and Devices to be Abolished and List and Roadmap of Low Energy Efficiency Generators That Should Not be Newly Installed (hereinafter referred to as “the Decision”).
Enviliance ASIASoutheast AsiaVietnamVietnam Revises List of Low Energy Efficiency Equipment and Devises to be Abolished
East Asia
- China (826)
- *Hong Kong (16)
- *Taiwan (167)
- Japan (28)
- South Korea (204)
Southeast Asia
- Brunei (6)
- Cambodia (2)
- Indonesia (79)
- Laos (12)
- Malaysia (98)
- Myanmar (4)
- Philippines (122)
- Singapore (112)
- Thailand (164)
- Vietnam (233)
South Asia
West Asia (Middle East)
- Oman (2)
- Saudi Arabia (5)
- Australia (29)
- New Zealand (13)
Regulations for product
- Environmental Basic Law (38)
- Regulations for Products (1,439)
- Chemical Substances (Products) (675)
- Wastes (Products) (234)
- Product Designs (387)
- Container/Packaging (137)
- Others (Products) (58)
Product categories
- Transport equipment and Mobile machinery (9)
- Electrical and Electronic Equipments (92)
- Chemical Products (90)
- Other Products (16)
Main theme
- Eco-Friendly Vehicle (56)
- Biodiversity (17)
- VOC (23)
- Draft (290)
- RoHS (39)
- EPR (114)
- GHS (33)
- POPs (49)
- PFAS (24)
- Mercury (14)
- Dangerous Goods Transport (34)
- Energy Label / MEPS (108)
- Circular Economy (215)
- Energy (55)
- Climate Change (182)
- Ozone Depletion (47)
- Violation Cases (40)
Regulations for Factory
- Environmental Basic Law (38)
- Regulations for Factory (928)
- Chemical Substances (Factory) (181)
- Wastes (Factory) (143)
- Water (154)
- Air (129)
- Soil (49)
- Noise (19)
- Vibration (8)
- Odor (6)
- Fire Prevention (9)
- Occupational Safety and Health (110)
- Climate Change (93)
- Energy Efficiency (66)
- Environmental Management (83)
- Others (Factory) (25)
- Other Law/Regulations (73)
Main theme
- Eco-Friendly Vehicle (56)
- Biodiversity (17)
- VOC (23)
- Draft (290)
- RoHS (39)
- EPR (114)
- GHS (33)
- POPs (49)
- PFAS (24)
- Mercury (14)
- Dangerous Goods Transport (34)
- Energy Label / MEPS (108)
- Circular Economy (215)
- Energy (55)
- Climate Change (182)
- Ozone Depletion (47)
- Violation Cases (40)