In late September 2020, Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) publicized the Draft Circular on Declaration of Environmental Information on and Management and Use of the Environmental Database in the Industrial and Commercial Sectors. This draft stipulates requirements of declaration of environmental information using the MOIT’s environmental database accessible at and other related rules.
This draft covers major manufacturing and trading facilities that are under control of MOIT and have major impacts on the environment as listed in the Annex I of the draft circular. The Annex I stipulates 15 business sectors and the thresholds for application of this circular for each sector. The covered sectors include:
- Chemical production
- Petroleum refining
- Battery manufacturing
- Pulp production
- Recycled paper manufacturing
- Beer or other beverage production
- Rubber processing
Requirements for the covered facilities include:
- To submit a request to create a user account of the environmental database to the Agency for Safety Techniques and Industrial Environment under MOIT. The request form is stipulated in the Annex II of this draft circular.
- To declare environmental information on the database with the created account every year. The declaration deadline is March 31 of the following year.
When this draft circular comes into effect, the existing circular No. 22/2013/TT-BCT will be repealed.
The draft circular can be downloaded at: