China China’s Jiangsu province issues local standard for environmental management by manufacturers

China’s Jiangsu province issues local standard for environmental management by manufacturers

On Sept. 6, 2022, the Market Regulatory Administration of Jiangsu Province, China, issued a local standard called the Guidelines for Whole-process Environmental Management of Industrial Enterprises (DB/T 4342-2022), which will come into effect Oct. 6, 2022. The standard sets out principles and requirements for environmental management through the entire industrial operation of manufacturers.


Scope of the standard

The standard sets out principles and requirements for “whole-process environmental management” by manufacturers that discharge pollutants. Other companies can also refer to and use the standard.



Whole-process environmental management refers to

Author / Responsibility

LIU Yake

Researcher, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

worked as a research assistant at Department of Environmental Planning and Management, School of Environment, Tsinghua University for 4 years, and then joint in Envix in April, 2022, currently is mainly responsible for consulting on EHS regulation compliance in East Asia.


MA, Environmental Econimics, Hiroshima University
