China China ministries’ list on joint random inspection issues in market regulation (1st edition)

On June 30, 2020, 16 government ministries, including State Administration for Market Regulation of China announced the list of joint random inspection issues in market regulation (1st edition), in order to promote their supervision in “Dual Random and Public Disclosure” system(note). The list defines 74 inspection issues in a total of 35 fields. In the future, relevant ministries will regularly conduct the joint random inspection based on the list.

Note: The system makes the results public through inspections by randomly selected inspectors and entities.

The following is an example of the random inspection issues described in the list.

No. Inspection field Inspection issues Inspected targets Execution Ministries Cooperating Ministries
6 Management and supervision of companies and institutions related to the production, use, sale, conservation, recovery, destruction and raw material use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) Annual production quotas, usage quotas (100 tons or more), and notification of use (100 tons or less) of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) HCFCs producers and use companies The Ministry of ecology and environment Related ministries in the market supervision and management sector
Notification status of ODS sales companies and institutions ODS Sales Companies and Institutions
Notification status of business operators dealing with maintenance, disposal, ODS recovery, recycling or destruction of  cooling devices, cooling systems or fire extinguishing systems including ODS Business operators engaging in maintenance, disposal, ODS recovery, recycling or destruction of cooling devices, cooling systems or fire extinguishing systems including ODS
The sales by chloromethane companies with by-production of carbon tetrachloride (CTC) and their treatment of CTC Chloromethane companies with by-production of carbon tetrachloride (CTC)
9 Management and supervision of automobile sales companies Announcement of automobile environmental protection information Car sales company The Ministry of ecology and environment Commerce ministries
Status on obtaining the compulsory product certification State administration for market regulation
19 Status of safety production (occupational safety) in industrial companies Status on obtaining the safety production permit Industrial enterprises Ministry of emergency management Related ministries in the market supervision and management sector
Establishment and implementation of safety production-related systems
25 Management and supervision of the automotive market Management and supervision of the new car sales market Entity of new car sales market Commerce ministries,
State administration for market regulation
Development and reform commission and tax department
Management and supervision of the used car market Entity of used car sales market Commerce ministries State administration for market regulation, public safety and tax department
Management and supervision of recycling and demolition activities of scrapped car Scrapped car recycling and demolition company Commerce, market supervision and management sectors Development and reform commission, Public safety, Ministry of ecology and environment, transportation department

The original text of the above list can be viewed from the following URL (Simplified Chinese).

Author / Responsibility

NAKAZATO Yoshihiro

President of EnviX, Ltd., Senior Consultant.

Business Performance

Now working intensively on the projects of plastic pollution issues and electric vehicle-related technical and marketing development issues.


Graduated from Thunderbird School of International Management (USA).

NAKAZATO Yoshihiro