China China announced a plan to revise or establish 11 national standards such as “Emission standard of air pollutants for electronics industries”

On June 16, 2020, the National Standardization Management Committee of China announced a plan to newly establish or revise the national standards. In the plan, 11 national standards are listed.

Number Name of standards Current standards code
1 Standard for pollution control on medical waste None
2 Emission standards of oil fume pollutants for commercial cooking GB 18483-2001
3 Discharge standard of water pollutants for food processing and manufacturing industry None
4 Effluent standard of water pollutants for fermented alcohol drinks manufacturing industry GB 19821-2005
GB 27631-2011
5 Standard for pollution control on the non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and disposal facility GB 18599-2001
6 Emission standard of air pollutants for electronics industry None
7 Discharge standard of water pollutants foe textile industry GB 4287-2012, etc.
8 Standards for irrigation water quality GB 20922-2007
Such as
9 Characterization of low-level radioactive waste packages
(cemented wastes)
10 Emission standard of air pollutants for package printing industry None
11 Comprehensive emission standards for atmospheric pollutants GB 16297-1996

Part of the reasons for revision and establishment are as follows:


Revision of Comprehensive emission standards for atmospheric pollutants:

Revision is required because there were no technical requirements for emission control in the currently referred standard GB 9078-1996.


Establishment of Emission standard of air pollutants for package printing industry:

Currently, package printing industry shall comply with the “Comprehensive emission standards of atmospheric pollutants” (GB 16297-1996), but it has been necessary to establish a new standard specialized for package printing industry due to the following 3 reasons; (1) GB 16297-1996 does not have sufficient requirements for package printing industry; (2)The contents of GB 16297-1996 is not so stringent; as a result, it has been not advantageous for the development of package printing industry; and (3) The requirements for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in GB 16297-1996 is not enough to control the emission.


Establishment of Emission standard of air pollutants for electronics industry:

As one of the most important VOC emission industries, according to “The Air pollution prevention and control action plan”, ”The 13th five-year plan for volatile organic compounds and control action plan”, ”Three-Year Action Plan to Win the battle against air pollution”, “Comprehensive treatment plan for volatile organic compounds in important industries”, etc., introduction of air pollutants prevention measures has been requested for the electronic industry; therefore, it is necessary to establish a new standard specialized for the electronic industry.

The original text of the above plans can be viewed from the following URL (Simplified Chinese).

Author / Responsibility

NAKAZATO Yoshihiro

President of EnviX, Ltd., Senior Consultant.

Business Performance

Now working intensively on the projects of plastic pollution issues and electric vehicle-related technical and marketing development issues.


Graduated from Thunderbird School of International Management (USA).

NAKAZATO Yoshihiro