China China Ministry of Emergency Management Announces “Special Regulation Hazardous Chemicals List (1st Edition)”

A total of 20 types of chemicals are subject to regulation

On May 30, 2020, the China’s Ministry of Emergency Management, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Transport announced the “Special Regulation Hazardous Chemicals List (1st Edition)” (No. 1 in 2020) in order to thoroughly implement the “Comprehensive Measures for Hazardous Chemicals Safety”. A total of 20 types of hazardous and high-risk chemicals are listed, and the main contents of the list are as follows:

Number Name CAS No. UN No.
I. Explosive chemicals
1 Ammonium nitrate
(Excluding those that have been inactivated)
6484-52-2 0222
2 Nitrocellulose
(Combustible solids are also eligible)
9004-70-0 0340
3 Potassium chlorate 3811-04-9 1485
4 Sodium chlorate 7775-09-9 1495
II. Toxic chemicals (toxic gases, volatile toxic liquids and solid-state toxic chemicals)
5 Chlorine 7782-50-5 1017
6 Ammonia 7664-41-7 1005
7 Methyl isocyanate 624-83-9 2480
8 Dimethyl sulfate 77-78-1 1595
9 Sodium cyanide 143-33-9 1689
10 Potassium cyanide 151-50-8 1680
III. Combustible gas
11 Liquefied petroleum gas 68476-85-7 1075
12 Liquefied natural gas 8006-14-2 1972
13 Ethylene oxide 75-21-8 1040
14 Chloroethylene 75-01-4 1086
15 Dimethyl ether 115-10-6 1033
IV. flammable liquid
16 Gasoline (Methanol, alcohol mixed gasoline is also eligible) 86290-81-5 1203
17 1,2-Epoxy propane 75-56-9 1280
18 Carbon sulfide 75-15-0 1131
19 Methanol 67-56-1 1230
20 Alcohol 64-17-5 1170

The original text of the above list can be viewed from the following URL (Simplified Chinese).

Author / Responsibility

NAKAZATO Yoshihiro

President of EnviX, Ltd., Senior Consultant.

Business Performance

Now working intensively on the projects of plastic pollution issues and electric vehicle-related technical and marketing development issues.


Graduated from Thunderbird School of International Management (USA).

NAKAZATO Yoshihiro