China China announces FAQs related to registration of new chemical substances

China announces FAQs related to registration of new chemical substances

On April 25, 2021, the Solid Waste and Chemicals Management Center MEE released the answers to the frequently asked questions(FAQ) related to the “Environmental management registration of new chemical substances” on its official website. The following are part of them.

Question Answer
How can the different responsible person in a company use the same registered account of the company? Login the registration system and click the “account assignment” function in the upper right corner of the homepage, then add subaccount by selecting “adding users”.
If the applicant, which has regular applicant and registration certificate, imports and registers the substances for own use in laboratory, and doesn’t involve any sales. Is it necessary to submit the first activity report? It is necessary. According to the Article 41 of “new measures”, the first activity report of new chemical substance should be submitted within 60 days from the date of first production or date of first import and transfer to the processing users.
Is it necessary to change the record form for the simplified registration certificate of new chemical substances which obtained under “old measures”(Order No.7)? According to the regulation of Article 53 of “new measures”, the environmental management registration of new chemical substances which follows the regulations of whichever of “new measures” and “old measures”, will still be effective even after the “new measures” has been implemented. However, for the simplified registration certificate which obtained under “old measures”(Order No.7) should follow the related regulations of “Announcement on the cohesion matters of environmental management registration of new chemical substances”(Ministry of Ecology and Environment Announcement No. 46 in 2020, hereinafter referred as “Announcement No.46).
How to change the certificate of environmental management registration of new chemical substances which obtained under Order No.7? The change of certificate of environmental management registration of new chemical substances which obtained under Order No.7 should follow the regulation of “Announcement No.46”. If the requirements regulated in the announcement can be met, the detailed procedures for making the changes are as follows.

Login the tax service website of Ministry of Ecology and Environment(, after selecting “new chemical substances”, click the “declaration items” in the column of “issuance and approval items of 13002 environmental management registration certificate for new chemical substances”. According to the prompt, enter the items declaration entry (new system) of “Measures of environmental management registration of new chemical substances ” (Order No.12) “, click “regular registration” or “simplified registration”, and then click “registration certificate change” to fill in.

When can activities be carried out after applying for environmental management of new chemical substances? Based on the provisions of “ Guidelines of environmental management registration of new chemical substances”, after the applicant has submitted all the related materials and received the message “ Acceptance of application” which sent by the automatic messaging function of the registration system, then the related activities can be carried out.
For the new certificate which obtained by making change of the environmental management registration of new chemical substances, is it necessary to submit the first activity report of new registration certificate? If the original registration certificate has already submitted the first activity report, there is no need to submit the first activity report of the new registration certificate. If not,  there will be a need to submit it.

The original text which also including other questions of the FAQ can be found from the following URL (in simplified Chinese).

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