*Taiwan Taiwan plan to raise the recycling levy for PET plastic packaging

Taiwan plan to raise the recycling levy for PET plastic packaging

On May 6, 2024, the Resource Circulation Administration of Ministry of the Environment of Taiwan held an industry meeting to discuss about the draft of “Recycling levy and recycling subsidy rates of plastic packaging”. During the meeting, the Resource Circulation Administration clarified the scope of operators responsible for recycling plastic portion trays and plastic blisters, the timeline for responsible operators to make the registration, report the use or import volume, and pay the recycling levy, as well as the amended recycling levy rates and the method of calculating the recycling levy.


Scope of responsible operators

  • Manufacturers and importers of plastic portion trays and plastic blisters.
  • Importers of the following 8 categories of goods that containing plastic portion trays and plastic blisters.
    • Articles announced to be recycled
    • Tableware, kitchenware
    • Toys, stationery
    • Hardware, accessories, home decor
    • Auto parts
    • Medical equipment
    • Small electrical and electronic equipment, communication devices
    • Cleaning supplies, equipment, skin care and cosmetic equipment


Recycling levy Calculation

Amended recycling levy rate

The amended recycling levy rate table is as follows. The packaging recycling rates of PET plastic will be raised from the current NT$9.35/kg to NT$15.33/kg.

Material of plastic packaging Recycling levy rate (NT$)
PET 15.33(9.35)
PVC 87
PP/PE 7.0
PS(Non-foaming) 11.64
PS(foam) 69.83
Other plastics 8.4
bioplastics 5.96

※1 NT$ is about 4.8 JPY at the May 2024 exchange rate.


Calculation formula

Recycling levy amount = Weight of imported product×Proportion of each plastic packaging in the product weight × Recycling levy rate for each plastic packaging material


Action timeline for responsible operators

  • Registration as responsible operators
    • The existing responsible operators shall complete the application for registration as responsible operators by June 30, 2025.
    • Operators who become responsible operators after the effective date (May 1, 2025) of the Notice shall apply for the registration within two months from the date of manufacturing or importing the regulated articles.
  • Reporting of sales and imports and paying for recycling levy
    Responsible operators shall complete the reporting of sales and import volumes of May to June of 2025, and the payment of the recycling levy by July 30, 2025.



It should be noted that the above contents are still in the draft stage, requirements may change in the final version.

Author / Responsibility

LIU Yake

Researcher, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

worked as a research assistant at Department of Environmental Planning and Management, School of Environment, Tsinghua University for 4 years, and then joint in Envix in April, 2022, currently is mainly responsible for consulting on EHS regulation compliance in East Asia.


MA, Environmental Econimics, Hiroshima University
