On June 8, 2022, the Hong Kong Government announced that the legislative process for making subsidiary legislation aiming at enhancing the Plastic Shopping Bag (PSB) Charging Scheme and full implementation of the producer responsibility scheme (PRS) on glass beverage containers had been initiated. According to the announcement, the Hong Kong Government proposed to amend the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Chap.603) to enhance the PSB Charging Scheme in place. Moreover, the Government also proposed to make the Product Eco-responsibility (Regulated Articles) Regulation to provide for the operation details for the implementation of the producer responsibility scheme on glass beverage containers. The Government aims to implement the enhanced PSB Charging Scheme on December 31, 2022 and fully implement the PRS on the glass beverage containers in the first quarter of 2023. According to a spokesman of the Government, the proposed enhancement of the PSB Charging Scheme and full implement of the producer responsibility scheme on glass beverage containers will be another step forward in work on waste reduction and recycling in Hong Kong, and make preparation for the implementation of municipal solid waste charging system in the future.
Enviliance ASIAEast Asia*Hong KongHong Kong enhances Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme and implements producer responsibility scheme on glass beverage containers
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