China China seeks comments on draft 2023 version of its energy efficiency grading system for key energy-consuming products

China seeks comments on draft 2023 version of its energy efficiency grading system for key energy-consuming products

On Oct. 24, 2023, China’s National Development and Reform Commission published a draft 2023 version of China’s energy efficiency grading system for key energy-consuming products. The commission is seeking comments on the draft through Nov. 24, 2023.

This grading system defines three grades of energy efficiency, namely Advanced Level, Energy Conservation Level and Market Access Level, for important products. The draft 2023 version covers 42 items of products and equipment, 22 items more than the 2022 version. The products and equipment added to the draft version include servers, data centers and industrial boilers.

Author / Responsibility

LIU Yake

Researcher, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

worked as a research assistant at Department of Environmental Planning and Management, School of Environment, Tsinghua University for 4 years, and then joint in Envix in April, 2022, currently is mainly responsible for consulting on EHS regulation compliance in East Asia.


MA, Environmental Econimics, Hiroshima University
