*Taiwan Taiwan to impose stricter regulations on organotin compounds

Taiwan to impose stricter regulations on organotin compounds

On Oct. 4, 2022, the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan announced that it would revise Taiwan’s toxic substance regulations called the Toxic Chemical Substances Listed for Control and Relevant Operations and Management, and released a draft of the revision. The draft includes stricter regulations on organotin compounds and updated regulations on asbestos in line with Taiwan’s total ban on asbestos.


Class-based threshold amounts for use and toxicity classification of organotin compounds

The class-based threshold amounts for use1 and toxicity classification2 of organotin compounds would be changed as shown in the table below (changes are indicated in red).

Author / Responsibility

LIU Yake

Researcher, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

worked as a research assistant at Department of Environmental Planning and Management, School of Environment, Tsinghua University for 4 years, and then joint in Envix in April, 2022, currently is mainly responsible for consulting on EHS regulation compliance in East Asia.


MA, Environmental Econimics, Hiroshima University
