The Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao PDR published the “Decision on the list of industrial chemicals No. 0220/ MOIC.DOIC” in the Gazette on 23 March 2021. The Decision issued under the Law on the Chemicals (2016) announces the list of industrial chemicals classified as Type I, II, III, and IV based on the hazardous property. The old list announced by Decision No. 0389/MOIC.DOIC in 2018 is repealed and replaced by the new Decision No. 0220/ MOIC.DOIC.
The Law on the Chemicals (2016) in Laos classifies hazardous chemicals into 4 groups. Type I substance, which is toxic and extremely dangerous to health, life, property, or environment, is banned while Type IV substance, which is toxic and slightly dangerous to persons, animals, vegetation, property, or environment, has the least restriction among the 4 groups. Article 3 of the Decision shows the table of Type I, II, III, and IV substances with CAS numbers. The mixture is also regulated although the Decision does not mention about threshold limit.
The decision became effective 15 days after the announcement in the Gazette.
Download original text of the Decision at