On October 26, 2022, South Korea government held a plenary session of the 2050 Carbon Neutral Green Growth Committee as well as commissioning ceremony for the private sector committee members. At this session, the vision and promotion strategies for carbon neutrality and green growth were discussed. The “carbon neutrality and green growth promotion strategy” was presented with the vision of “becoming a global center of carbon neutrality” and four major strategies and 12 major tasks were announced under the three major policy directions of (1) responsible practice, (2) orderly transformation, and (3) innovation-driven carbon neutrality and green growth. Regarding the “carbon neutrality and green growth technology innovation strategy,” three directions were presented toward “achievement of 2030 NDC (greenhouse gas reduction) and 2050 carbon neutrality”: technological innovation toward carbon neutrality mainly through private-sector-led missions; enhanced investment in rapid and flexible carbon neutral R&D; and preemptive building of infrastructure for innovative technology development.
The main contents of the “carbon neutrality and green growth promotion strategy” are as follows.