Brunei Brunei implements MEPS and labeling scheme from June 2022

Brunei implements MEPS and labeling scheme from June 2022

On July 6, 2021, the implementation of the Energy Efficiency (Standards and Labelling) Order 2021 was announced in Brunei. The order, which aims to promote the use of highly efficient electrical appliances that meet the Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS), will be implemented in phases from June 14, 2022 after a one-year grace period. The import and sale of products that do not meet the MEPS will be prohibited, first with air-conditioning systems and then with other home appliances. In addition, the labelling scheme using a star rating system will be introduced under this order.

According to Yang Mulia Pengiran Haji Jamra Weira Bin Pengiran Haji Petra, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, the MEPS at Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 2.9 has been set for all air-conditioning systems with a capacity of less than 7.1kw. The ministry will ensure that all technical specification for all electrical appliances imported into Brunei meets the MEPS with relevant agencies.

The authority is considering to accelerate the achievement of its goal to reduce energy intensity to 45% against the base year (2005) by 2035 under the order.

The announcement of Ministry of Energy can be viewed at the following URL.

As of September 15, 2021, this order is not available online.



This order can be downloaded at the following URL. (Accessed 2022-01-07)

A summary of the order is shown in the following:
Brunei promulgates regulations on MEPS and energy labelling for electrical appliances

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Researcher, Research & Consulting Dept. EnviX Ltd.

Business Performance

In charge of Southeast Asia for managing information on the environmental regulations.


BA, Human Life and Environmental Sciences, Ochanomizu University